Our Process


The creation of a website is a enormous undertaking. I Fear for My Life creators have exercised particular care in compiling and making the research accessible through this platform. The selection of a website was chosen specifically to ensure the greatest access to these materials.  The I Fear team hope this website enables communities to begin the labor of working toward transparency and accountability in policing while also tackling the fear experienced on both sides of the issue. 

Extensive research was conducted over a two year period by faculty and student teams from the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and the University of St. Thomas. They completed much of the foundational research for this project, compiling data, images, and other resources relevant to each case. 

In addition, the Scholars conducted interviews with a number of individuals, including law enforcement professionals, community activists, scholars, politicians, students, impacted family members, and faith leaders. To gain insight, the questions were framed to elicit responses across a wide range of experiences and backgrounds. A videographer documented the conversations. Elements of these voices are included in various sections on the website, curated by the content creator engaged for the project. 

The basic details of five profiled encounters and what happened in the aftermath of the incident are presented to encourage generative discussion of the larger issues. Multiple sources were consulted in the writing of each account and links for further reading are provided throughout. In some cases, however, discrepancies in official accounts and the newness of the cases have presented unique challenges.  Our hope is that debate over perceived discrepancies will take a back seat in favor of pursuing dialogue with others, in community, as you engage the site. 

I Fear for My Life strives for fairness and accuracy in the materials presented. Those interested in learning more are encouraged to explore additional resources.